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20/05/2024 What Exactly is “The Real Costa Rica?”

I had an interesting exchange with a fellow realtor the other day. This realtor had reached out to me about “farms” in the mountains of Perez Zeledon. She’s known me for a long time and knew that I usually have a good inventory of these types of properties. She said her clients were looking for properties with altitude, privacy, a nice home and room to grow th...

01/04/2024 Costa Rica Real Estate Market Distinctions

Often times you’ll hear or read generalizations made about the Costa Rica real estate market as a whole that might just not hold true in all cases.In fact, I even wrote a post about the fact that in Costa Rica, the exceptions are the general rules.One reason that these generalizations might not hold true is because they fail to take into account certain distinctions betwe...

08/03/2024 The Costa Rica Real Estate Market – Let’s Talk About Gentrification

I feel a bit trepidatious to broach the topic of the dreaded “G” word…After all, if you mention “gentrification” in one of the myriad of Facebook groups where wannabe expats go for advice and humiliation, you’ll be met with sneers, snickers and anecdotes about how this or that person knows a tico who’s benefiting from it.Of course, the...

12/02/2024 Costa Rica Real Estate Market in 2024

Let’s face it fellow realtors, U.S. presidential election years are not generally friendly to real estate markets anywhere, be it Costa Rica or worldwide!And this is an “election year” like no other in history.Now I’m not going to get political by disclosing who I’m pulling for. I believe many of my readers already have a good idea about that&helli...

11/02/2024 Costa Rica Buyer’s Agent versus Seller’s Agent

After having spent a few years working as a real estate agent in Costa Rica's southern zone, I've started to notice something important. And that is that most agents, especially beach-focused agents, tend to gravitate more towards being seller's agents than Costa Rica buyer's agents.The name of the game for success in real estate in the ultra-competitive beach market is listing...

15/01/2024 Costa Rica – A Land Where the Exceptions Are the General Rules

I’ve always said that in Costa Rica Murphy’s Law works overtime. You know, the one that postulates that whatever might go wrong, probably will.That “general rule” of life in Costa Rica is especially true when it comes to trying to move from Point A to Point B, in a car – and the tighter the time schedule the more certain that the law is bound to ki...

10/01/2024 The Costa Rica Real Estate Purchase Process

I get questioned often about how the Costa Rica real estate purchase process compares with that of the U.S., or Canada...The truth is, even though there are similarities, it does differ quite a bit. This article will walk you through the 4-strep process of completing your Costa Rica real estate deal.Granted, there are two distinct real estate market processes, one followed by l...

01/01/2024 Current State of the Costa Rica Real Estate Market

"We all had the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave…So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look west, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark–that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back."Hunter S. Thompson, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas As 2023 com...

28/12/2023 What Really Makes Costa Rica Different?

Expats aren’t flocking to Costa Rica just for more of the same. Obviously, it’s the lure of something different and more exciting that attracts them…And I’m not talking about the typical differences that come to mind, like weather, cost of living, food, language and general pace of life. All those differences, while appealing, are a bit routine and sort...

28/12/2023 The Costa Rica Real Estate Market – Past, Present, & Future

The Costa Rica real estate market has witnessed significant changes over the years, driven by foreign investments and evolving market dynamics. In this post, we will explore the historical background, current state, and future prospects of the Costa Rica real estate market.The PastOne word I would use to describe the Costa Rica real estate market of the past is “inefficie...

28/12/2023 Want Your Costa Rica Deal To Go Smoothly?

Generally you’ll find a fairly ordered deal process in areas of the country where there is vibrant activity in the expat real estate market.However, it still ain’t Kansas!There are marked differences in the way things operate down here versus the States.Over my years of orchestrating real estate deals in Costa Rica, I have observed a few commonly repeated mistakes.I...

11/12/2023 Costa Rica Expat Consulting

What is Costa Rica Expat Consulting?You’ve obviously arrived to this site because you have an interest in becoming a Costa Rica expat sometime in the near future. Alternatively, you have an interest in at least owning property in Costa Rica for investment, vacation, or perhaps part-time living.Well, actually accomplishing any of that is easier said than done. And the proc...

06/12/2023 Costa Rica Expat Living Framework

A Framework for Evaluating Your Ideal Life in Costa RicaThe decision to leave a “comfortable” life in your country of birth for a strange and exotic land is a daunting, perhaps even scary, one.How exactly does one even go about making such a momentous life-changing decision?Well, here’s a suggested Cost Rica expat living framework. I’ll call it the 4 C&r...

05/12/2023 Your Costa Rica Expat Tour Guide

David Scott Bowers…Your Costa Rica Expat Tour GuideI am a naturalized citizen of Costa Rica. I first arrived (from the U.S.) in 2001 to broker a deal that sold one of the country’s premier private universities to a U.S. publicly-held education company. Since 2004 I’ve arranged eco-intensive Costa Rica vacation tours to locations throughout the country, as wel...

05/12/2023 Our Costa Rica Expat Tours

We offer custom-tailored Costa Rica expat tours designed with your objectives in mind.We can combine any of the below regions, or create something specifically according to the criteria you provide.Our expert agents, located in all parts of Costa Rica, will give you the very best sampling of properties that meet your criteria.Tour Areas…Below are the areas our customers...